What's Catoura Been Up To?

I feel like it's been forever since the last time I sat down and just blogged... Okay, maybe more like two weeks, but that's still waaaaay too long!!! So much has happened over these two weeks that I don't know quite where to start.
First and foremost, I've been given an amazing opportunity to build someone's dream closet; this project has practically become a second job. I'll be uploading a blog post soon with all the details and pics from that project, so stay tuned. 
 Secondly, I've been studying for my PCAT, which has taken majority of my time this summer. This test is the biggest step thus far towards my educational/career goals!
Other than those two important tasks I've just been trying to relax before school starts back in less than a week. Another semester filled with more science classes; neuroscience and chemistry, I can't wait! I'm also working on upcoming changes to the blog, so stick around to see how things look :) That's it from my life, but I hope y'all are having a wonderful week!

Sunday Social

 1. What are 3 items you can't live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter, and clothes don't count)
A. My phone 
B. Gum (especially after eating a meal or drinking coffee/tea) 
C. Perfume (those who know me know that I love wearing my perfumes) 
2. What is your all time favorite book? Why?
Oh this one is a toughy... so many to chose from! I would have to say my all time favorite book is  "There is always something there to remind me" by Beth Harbison. I love how I can relate to the emotional roller coaster the main character was going through especially dealing with love. Definitely a romance novel :) 

3. What is something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2013?
At least 50% of my New Years Resolutions list... sigh maybe next year lol 
4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be?
The summer of 2003... The year I met my first love.

5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them?
That I'm Persian-American. Most people like to play the guessing game when it comes to my ethnicity.  (Greek, Italian, Indian... you name it lol)

Friday Favorites!

Hey everyone! I'm back to organizing my blog posts, and I've decided to add a Friday Favorites post to the typical schedule. It's going pretty much consist of things that I'm favoring throughout the week, such as miscellaneous products or styles. Since Friday is my favorite day of the week, (I'm sure I'm not alone with that one), what better time to share with y'all some of my favorite things? TGIF everyone!!!

So my favorite thing on planet earth is COFFEE!!! Sadly, this was my last coffee "drank" until the cold weather comes around. My last cup of coffee was from Dunkin Donuts and let's just say I was disappointed... but I do love their Donuts! (mmm Boston Cream delishhh)

I have been hooked on audible books! Since I'm a busy girl I hardly have the time to read a book like I use to. So I just simply downloaded the audible app on my phone and purchased Mindy's book "Is everyone hanging out without me." This book is two thumbs up for sure! She's so entertaining!!! I listen to it when I'm cleaning my house or driving around town :) (Yes I'm that girl laughing in my car to myself lol)

It's about time I got this book! One of my favorite summer reads :)

This stuff is amazing!!! I saw it at Whole Foods about a year ago. It's the best instant teeth whitener on the go (perfect for all the coffee lovers out there). Definitely a favorite of mine!