Country Chic

The weather's getting warmer, the grass is growing taller, and nature in green and in full swing! Time for all the ladies out there to jump onto another hot trend this coming season: the country look A lot of people get this idea that country girls aren't trendy or fashionable... WRONG! Being country chic can be a great look, and is a lot easier to pull off than you may think. This look centers around lace, earth-tones, pearls, and a little southern sweetness!

For my look, I went with the lacy, white dress, sporting some brown, leather spring booties. These shoes accentuate the look as they blend the appeals of country-style boots together with high-fashion-style high heels. One key element to rocking your new country chic look is SIMPLICITY.

Tone down on both makeup and accessories. A more natural look works best with this style; let that natural beauty you all have glow for the day! As for accessories, use one or two statement pieces, but be careful that they don't take too much away from the outfit, or yourself. Pearls are a great way to bring some extra pizazz to an outfit without overdoing it, and they're easy to match with just about anything (AWESOME INVESTMENT).

It is worth mentioning that the nail polish I chose to use for this shoot was featured in my last "Nail Polish of the Week" segment. It helps add an extra touch of color to the look, but is still a subtle enough tone so as to not take focus from the rest of the outfit. Now, I suggest you all head out and try your new country look! Put a lil' twang in your voice, put on some Carrie Underwood tunes, and show the world that country is the new word for chic!

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